My Certificates

Metaverse Course Certificate

What is the Metaverse?

In this course, we explore what the metaverse is, how to interract in it, and how to connect with others within it. We go on to examine the social and ecological ramifications of the metaverse and the role of decentralization in making the metaverse more ethical, inclusive and accessible. Finally, we foucs on how the metaverse must be build with privacy, safety, and security at it core. Verify...

JavaScript Course Certificate

Programming with JavaScript

In this course, we learn why JavaScript is so integral to software developments. We go on to learn several programming paradigms such as functional programming and Object Oriented Programming (OOP). We finish up by learning various testing frameworks and implementations in JS. Verify...

Crash Course on Python

Crash Course on Python

In this course, we refresh our knowledge on Python programming as well as practice automation using scripting. We go on to explore various paradigms of python programming like OOP and functional programming. We then finishup with a complex programming project to recogrnze text from images. Verify...

Crash Course on Python

Crash Course on Python

In this course, we refresh our knowledge on Python programming as well as practice automation using scripting. We go on to explore various paradigms of python programming like OOP and functional programming. We then finishup with a complex programming project to recogrnze text from images. Verify...

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© 2022 Chris Ibe-Ekeocha.