
I'm Chris

A Software Engineering Manager.

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I am a proficient Software Engineering/ Machine Learning Program Manager (PM) with both technical and innovative problem solving skills to drive projects through entire lifecycles. Experienced with leading teams, communicating with clients, and generating solutions that not only impact broad userbase, but also yield high returns on investment.

My Experience.

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." - Thomas Jefferson

Senior Software Engineer (PM)

I implemented multi-year roadmaps, workflows, and sprint plannings to manage project(s) with teams of over 10 engineers & developers. I worked with stakeholders, customers, and cross-functional teams to plan and execute all stages of enterprise software lifecycle. Similarly, I managed end-to-end machine learning business inteligence products.

Senior Software Engineer

I mplemented Computer Vision (CV) based ML algorithms and models for Image Analysis, designed & developed features for validating semiconductor performance, led code-review sessions with junior engineers to enforce software standards, and triaged software bugs.

Senior Software Dev. & Test Engineer

Analyzed data to optimize software execution timing, integrated and tested software for various components of the Electronic Control Module of Engine Platforms. Also developed and tested algorithms to ensure efficient memory optimization for regions like Flash, RAM, and cache. Finally, I developed tools to serve as a help-doc for the company’s engine calibration management platform while preparing and executing test plans for various software components.

Dynamic System & Controls Engineering Intern

Automated several data analysis features for emable optimal data-driven decision making. Maintained code on multiple environments like Windows and Linux platform. Created and maintained xml config files to configure various software modulles and integrate specific applications. Finally, implemented REST APIs to ensure strict data mapping/ format in JSON standard for efficient request-response cycles.

Research Assistant

I implemented machine-learning algorithms to estimate battery parameters State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH). I also applied optimization techniques like Ant Colony, Fuzzy Logic, and neural networks to analyze energy storage devices. Finally, I developed and simulated various battery models to account for temperature variations and other parametric uncertainties.

My Education.

"The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing." –Voltaire

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

I completed my thesis-based master's degree on the topic "Machine Learning Based Diagnosis of Lithium Batteries." I worked on multiple AI/ML projects and completed courses like High Performance Embedded Systems Design, Linear Systems Analysis, Computational Methods, Inteligent Systems Design and Analysis where we focused on developing systems like Neural networks and Support Vector Machines.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Completed courses like Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, Calculus-based Physics, Discrete-Time Signals & Systems, Telecommunications, Power Electronics, Networking Analysis, etc. I also conducted research with several professors while maintaining being on the Dean's List.

Software Engineering and Program Management

Working on completing Professional Certificate programs namely: Meta Database Engineer, Google Project Management, Meta Backend Expert, Meta Front-End Developer, Meta React Native, Stanford Machine Learning.

Software Engineering and Data Science

Completed several advanced programming courses like: Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms, Advanced Systems Design, Python for Data Analysis, Python for Financial Analysis, Power BI for Business Inteligence, etc.

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My Publications.

"The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it." –Abraham Lincoln

State of Charge and State of Health Estimation for Lithium Batteries Using Recurrent Neural Networks

This paper presents an application of dynamically driven recurrent networks (DDRNs) in online electric vehicle (EV) battery analysis... ("read more")

State of charge estimation of LiFePO4 batteries with temperature variations using neural networks

This paper presents a neural network oriented approach for online estimation of the state of charge (SOC) for lithium-ion batteries... ("read more")

Aging prediction and state of charge estimation of a LiFePO4 battery using input time-delayed neural networks

This paper presents an intelligent state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) estimation method for lithium-ion batteries using an input time-delayed neural network... ("read more")

My Hobbies.

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." –Albert Einstein

Leading, Learning, and Educating

The word educate comes from the latin word educare which means to bring out. I enjoy bringing out the best in people and myself. I also believe in the 70-20-10 rule as we tend to understand 10% of what we study, 20% more by practicing, and the final 70% by teaching. Simply put, give whatever you would like to recieve.

Traveling, Exploring, and Discovering

I believe adventures are one of the best ways to learn and appreciate life. It's oxymoronic that such experiences are both humbling and empowering. I believe in a future where the opportunities availabe to every individual is indepedent of their location and situation in life. This is the promise of Artificial Inteligence & the Metaverse.

Reading, Researching, and Coding

The ability to share knowledge across space and time is what seperates humans from other living beings. Books, videos, and other forms of media help capture this sentiment. I believe that coding is just as important as speaking any human language. Fun Fact: there are more programable devices than humans in your household. You should learn to communicate with them too.

Food, Fitness, and Wellness

It's equally as important to nurish the body as well as the mind and there's no better way to bring people together than a shared meal. I believe life is so short and uncertain, so please, eat the dessert first. That's a really good euphemism to remind us to enjoy life whenever we can. The only thing better than pizza is free pizza & breadsticks.

Get In Touch

The metaverse is the future of work, school, and social connections

If you love technology as much as I do, and you're excited for the future of the metaverse, let's chat about it over pizza!

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© 2022 Chris Ibe-Ekeocha.